Auditory processing disorder (APD) is a condition in which the brain struggles to process and figure out meaning of different sounds. This disorder is mostly prevalent in children and is linked to premature birth, head trauma, lead poisoning, chronic ear infection and low birth weight. It should be noted that some kids with APD also experience anxiety or have ADHD. This problem actually indicates that there is no coordination or severed coordination between the auditory nerves and the human brain, thereby resulting in auditory processing problem.
What are the Symptoms of Auditory Processing Disorder?
To determine the right type of auditory processing disorder treatment, first you need to analyze their symptoms in four core areas and these are:
Auditory Discrimination: This refers to the ability to hear, and then compare between distinct sounds. Certain words such as seventy or seventeen might have a similar sound, and the child should be able to distinguish them.
Auditory FG Discrimination: This refers to hearing sounds that are important in a noisy background. This is more like being in a party and then not being able to hear what the other person is trying to say because it a noisy setting.
If your child is disorganized, forgetful and also does not know spelling and cannot solve verbal math problem then you must take him/her to the therapist.
Auditory Sequencing: Here, both listening and recalling work hand-in-hand. Here, a child might say zbera instead of zebra or hear 735 as 357.
auditory processing disorder treatment
Different Types of Auditory Processing Disorder Treatment
APD cannot be treated using medication, rather the problem should be addressed with the help of intervention and therapy guided by an expert. In this condition, children experience difficulty in discriminating sounds, this means they are unable to hear certain sounds in a correct manner.
What can be achieved with the help of speech therapy?
With the help of speech therapy, your child can listen and understand the various sounds clearly and effectively. In addition to this, audio processing disorder treatment can also be beneficial in:
Enhancing the perception of child regarding sounds and this in turn improves their reading skills.
Developing listening skills, such as asking them to repeat particular set of words
If you notice similar symptoms in your child then incorporate educational therapy as a part of their auditory processing disorder treatment program.
Common Symptoms Shown By Kids Who Suffer From APD
Children who are suffering from APD showcase at least one of the following symptoms:
Asking the speaker again and again to repeat what they are trying to communicate
Finding it difficult to follow instructions or spoken directions
Unable to learn new rhymes or songs
Finding it difficult to remember the details of what they have heard or read
So, if your child experiences at least two of the aforementioned symptoms then you should consider seeking help of a professional for auditory processing disorder treatment.
How Can You Help Your Child Recover From APD?
Without a doubt, the help of a trained and qualified therapist is a must when it comes to auditory processing disorder treatment, but along with that there are a few strategies that you can implement at your home for accelerating the results and these include:
Use expressive and simple sentences to communicate with them
Speak slowly and increase the volume, so that they able to listen
Ask them to repeat what you've said to them and see what exactly they have misheard.
You need to consult with an expert or a clinic that is fully dedicated to auditory processing disorder treatment. It is a time-consuming process and dedication and patience is must when you start this treatment for your child.