If you have an elderly person at home like parents or grandparents, then you will understand the need of home health products. You need to keep certain hospital quality products at your disposal for initial screening at home. In our fast-paced life, people are affected by many lifestyle disorders that need to be considered for regular monitoring. Some of the common ailment being diabetes, obesity, blood pressure or heart ailments among elderly people, which can keep a track of the levels and signs of danger, at the comfort of your home. This is one of the reasons why home health products are growing in popularity amongst urban population.
Although the pressure machines, the weight machines and the small devices for measuring sugar are some of the common Especially at the time of lockdown, or hectic work schedule, the chronic medical conditions can be kept under supervision and provides a cost-effective assistance to the patient without any hassle. Simple products like hot/cold therapy systems can also be used as an important health product at home. However, it is vital to choose the home health products, wisely. You need to consider medical history before choosing the varied products apt for your health status.

The Common Categories of Home Health Products:
Heart Rate Monitor: If you are suffering from heart ailment or want to track your heart rate then this product is ideal for you. If your parents have a greater risk for any diseases, keep this portable machine at hand. The heart rate signifies the number of contractions of your heart in a particular time period, and the acceptable range is between 60 to 100 beats per minute. When sleeping, a reduced heart rate of 40 to 50 beats per minute is considered normal. However, when you exercise the heart rates also gets increased.
Blood Pressure Monitor: This is a perfect home health product that is perfect pick for those suffering from high blood pressure or low blood pressure. Blood pressure is usually measured as a minimum and maximum measure called diastolic and systolic respectively and is measured in millimeters of mercury with the standard measure in an adult being 120/80 mmHg. BP monitors are common in every households nowadays, because of the higher stress level in our hectic lifestyle.
Glucometers: This machine should be at home, if you have any family member suffering from diabetes mellitus. Diabetes is a lifestyle disorder that can be controlled by the intake of appropriate medication, and lifestyle modification. Glucometers helps in measuring the blood glucose level, to avert the risk of severe conditions. Tracking sugar levels helps the endocrinologist make an informed diagnosis.
Urological machines and enteral feeding tubes: Although this is not a very common product seen in all households, there can be an emergency requirement where there are patients who need to be fed with the help of these tubes. Drainage bags, externa condom catheters, closed system catheters are some of the urological products that might be an emergency requirement.
Pulse Oximeter: In the current pandemic situation, customers are purchasing pulse oximeter to read the amount of oxygen being carried in the blood or more specifically the amount of haemoglobin in the blood. Apart from this, pulse oximeter can also be used by those suffering from asthma or congestive heart failure, or COPD. This is an ideal non-evasive way to measure the oxygen levels.
The credibility of the home health products depends on the right selection. Consult a doctor in developing a comprehensive health plan with the right electronics to facilitate your regular monitoring of health. You can now buy a host of health products for your home from online portals. Online medicine shops and health portals give you multiple options to choose from.