Root Canal Treatment is used to treat teeth infection and damage. The name itself is enough to cause pain jitters in the personas it is considered to be a painful process but instead it is a pain reliving treatment. In this procedure, the tissue and nerve of the tooth are detached and is cleaned and sealed off. If this treatment is not undertaken, then the tooth’s infection will increase and would ultimately result in the formation of abscesses.
Process Associated With Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal Treatment has three steps which must be followed, and it can be done in a days’ time to three sessions as well.
1. First step involved with the Root Canal Treatment procedure is to clean the root canal. In this step, the dentist will first give local anesthesia so that you don’t feel the pain, and after that everything damaged inside the root canal is removed. He or she will make a hole in the tooth to access the inside nerve and pulp and, then will remove the lifeless and damaged flesh tissue using small tools.
2. Second step is to fill the root canal. In this step, the doctor will clean, disinfect and shape the hollow space by utilizing specialized tools and irrigation solutions. After that the tooth will be filled with a material which is rubber –like and then the surface is completely sealed of using cement like adhesive. After this Root Canal Treatment, the tooth will have no nerves or tissues due to which it will lose any sensation or feeling associated to it. The infection is now eliminated as the tooth is dead.
3. Last but not the least, the third step is to add crown to the tooth. Your tooth is now more delicate in comparison to before. A crown is added to the tooth to stop it from getting brittle with time and usage. Until the crown is set the patient should not use the tooth to do any activity, be it biting or chewing. Once the crown is set you can use the tooth as before.
This procedure generally can be finished in one sitting but can also take multiple sessions depending on the infection and condition of damage that your tooth has incurred.
Benefits of Root Canal Treatment
Getting Root Canal Treatment is a means of saving the natural tooth or smile. There are many reasons due to which it is a recommended procedure when curing infections. Some of the benefits are:
Root Canal treatment is a painless procedure. If compared with extraction procedure it is better to opt for this treatment as extraction can be really painful during and after the procedure.
Root Canal treatment is covered in most of the insurance plans. And as such it is cost effective and an efficient method. There are less follow ups and no additional cost for implants or bridge needs to be paid which helps in maintaining your estimated budget.
As there are no added implants, your smile and mouth shape doesn’t change. The crowns create the feel of natural teeth without hampering on the smile. Visually also the crowns look like natural teeth.
When you plan to get your Root Canal Treatment done, look out for good endodontic around you so that you can get the best treatment available. If still in doubt, check out the reviews and talk to people who have got it done and finalize a date to visit him or her. If the procedure of endodontic treatment is done by an experienced professional and after care of the teeth is good, your treatment can last for ages, most likely a lifespan.