The data and communication is all about the process which involves exchanging of data between 2 parties; the source and the receiver. If both the communicating devices are situated in the same locality, in that case the communication is said to be local. In this context, it is important to know the meaning of the term source and receiver.
Source: The device from which the data is transmitted in known as a source.
Receiver: The devices which ends up receiving the data is known as the receiver.
Data and communication is aimed towards the process of transferring and maintenance of data. However, it does not include the process of information generation either at the source or at the receiver’s end.
The Components of a Data and communication System
The components involved in data and communication system constitute the entire system of data and communication. Here are some of the major components that are included in this mechanism.
Message: Message is the data or the information that is meant to be communicated. A message can consist of different elements in the form of pictures, text, numbers, video, sound or it can be a combination of all these elements.
Sender: Sender is the computer or the node from which the message is being generated.
Receiver: The node or the computer which receives the message is known as the receiver. Usually, the sender’s location is different from that of the receiver’s. It is the type of network used that determines the distance between the receiver and the sender.
Medium: For the communication to take place that is transferring of data from the source to the destination there needs to be a proper channel or medium. There can be different types of medium used in this process of data and communication. Here are a couple of the different types of mediums that are used.
Twisted Pair Wire
Coaxial Cable
Fiber Optic Cable
Wireless technologies like radio waves, laser and microwaves
Protocol: Protocols are nothing but a set of rule that govern the process of communication between the sender and the receiver. Both the sender and the receiver need to follow the same protocol.
The Functions of Protocol
There are several important functions of the protocol. Here is a brief insight into all of them.
Data Sequencing: It is the process in which the long messages are broken into small packets of a particular size. The method of numbering the packets is being defined by the process of data sequencing.
Data Routing: The most efficient path that exists between the source and the destination being determined by data routing.
Data Formatting: The rules of data formatting defines which group of characters or bits within the packet constitute control, data, addressing or any other kinds of information.
Flow Control: This aspect of the protocol regulates the traffic and prevents traffic congestion. It helps to maintain a smooth flow of data.
Error Control: It detects error in order to ensure that correct messages are being transmitted.
Data and communication has given a rise to efficient and fast communication between devices. So from the basic internet connection to a LAN setup in an organization, everything can be efficiently connected. From a home environment to a commercial setup, all the devices that run on the data and communication can be effectively installed and a smooth function can be experienced in this regard. If you are looking to get this installed in your home or commercial setup then you need to make sure that you only take professional help in this regard in order to be successful.